
Well... I've spoted a problem for a couple of weeks now, but I don't seem to be 
able to make a "nice" case from it... I'm sorry I do not know anything about 
compiler developpement, and I try to keep a safe distance from C... So, here 
the original sources (minus a lot of thinks which were not necessary)...

I hope it makes sense to someone...


PS: I can also send the files as a tarball, I just don't know how to...

PPS: my version:
GNU Fortran 95 (GCC 4.1.0 20050517 (experimental))
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

GNU Fortran comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute copies of GNU Fortran
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING

PPPS: the error message I get:

MODULE_IO.f90:0: internal compiler error: in lhd_set_decl_assembler_name, at 
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See <URL:http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions.
MODULE_SPRACHE.f90: In function ???ctn_error_interception???:
MODULE_SPRACHE.f90:120: internal compiler error: in gfc_conv_variable, at 
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See <URL:http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions.

PPPPS: how to get it:
rm -f *.o *.mod
./gfortran -g -pedantic-errors -Wall -c MODULE_IO.f90
./gfortran -g -pedantic-errors -Wall -c MODULE_SPRACHE.f90

PPPPPS: first file: "MODULE_IO.f90":
! **********************************************************************
! *                                                                    *
! *                         M O D U L E _ I O                          *
! *                                                                    *
! **********************************************************************
! Object:
! ======
! Generic subroutines for input/output.
! USER-defines and Parameters
! Modules
! =======
!       USE MODULE_DIMENSION, ONLY: Length_File_Name
      INTEGER, PARAMETER                     ::   Length_File_Name = 250
! Integer
! =======
      INTEGER, PARAMETER                     ::   Screen     = 01
! Character
! =========
      CHARACTER ( LEN = Input_String_Length )::   bufferString
! Interface for outAusgabe
! ========================
          SUBROUTINE outAusgabe ( Output, String, Boolean, Intg,       &
     &                                             Single, Double, Fmt )
!               USE MODULE_DIMENSION, ONLY: Sng, Dbl
              LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT ( IN )              ::   Boolean
              INTEGER, INTENT ( IN )                        ::   Output
              INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT ( IN )              ::   Intg
              REAL ( KIND = 4 ), OPTIONAL, INTENT ( IN )  ::   Single
              REAL ( KIND = 8 ), OPTIONAL, INTENT ( IN )  ::   Double
              CHARACTER ( LEN = * ), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)   ::   String
              CHARACTER ( LEN = * ), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)   ::   Fmt
          END SUBROUTINE outAusgabe
! Generic interface for Ausgabe
! =============================
      INTERFACE Ausgabe
          MODULE PROCEDURE outString
      END INTERFACE Ausgabe
! Subroutines for generic interface for Eingabe
! =============================================
! Subroutines for generic interface for Ausgabe
! =============================================
          SUBROUTINE outString ( Unit, String, Fmt )
!               USE MODULE_DIMENSION, ONLY: Sng, Dbl
              IMPLICIT NONE
              INTEGER, INTENT ( IN )                        ::   Unit
              CHARACTER ( LEN = * ), INTENT ( IN )          ::   String
              CHARACTER ( LEN = * ), OPTIONAL, INTENT ( IN )::   Fmt
              IF ( PRESENT ( Fmt ) ) THEN
                  CALL outAusgabe ( Output = Unit, String = String,    &
     &                                                       Fmt = Fmt )
                  CALL outAusgabe ( Output = Unit, String = String )
          END SUBROUTINE outString
!     End: Module MODULE_IO

PPPPPS: first file: "MODULE_SPRACHE.f90":
! **********************************************************************
! *                                                                    *
! *                    M O D U L E  _ S P R A C H E                    *
! *                                                                    *
! **********************************************************************
! Zweck:
! ======
! Fortran90 Module for language settings
! Verwaltung:
! ===========
! Angelegt am      05.12.00 Philippe Schaffnit
! Last changes
! 09.02.01   PS    Changes related to V2.2
! 20.01.05   PS    'Message' functions here
!  Variables-documentation
! Unit is the number of the unit affected to the messages file
! Path_* is the path to this file (without extension) starting from
!  the directory specified by the user at the beginning of simulation.
! Declarations
! Modules
! =======
!       USE MODULE_DIMENSION, ONLY: Length_File_Name, Length_Message
      INTEGER, PARAMETER                     ::   Length_Message = 250
! Character
! =========
      CHARACTER ( LEN = * ), PARAMETER       ::   New_message =        &
     &                                                      "----------"
! "Message functions"
! "Read_Message"
          FUNCTION Read_Message ( Name, Unit, Message, Line )
             USE MODULE_IO
             IMPLICIT NONE
             LOGICAL                         ::   Unit_Connected
             INTEGER, INTENT ( IN )          ::   Unit, Message, Line
             INTEGER                         ::   IO_Stat, Number, k
             CHARACTER ( LEN =Length_Message)::   Read_Message
             CHARACTER ( LEN = * ),INTENT(IN)::   Name
             CHARACTER ( LEN =Length_Message)::   Text
!            Check if file is connected
!            --------------------------
             INQUIRE ( UNIT = Unit, OPENED = Unit_Connected )
             IF ( .NOT. Unit_Connected )                               &
     &           CALL CTN_Error_Interception
!            Rewind file
!            -----------
             REWIND ( Unit )
!            Find message
!            ------------
                 READ ( Unit, "(A)", IOSTAT = IO_Stat ) Text
                 IF ( IO_Stat .NE. 0 )                                 &
     &               CALL CTN_Error_Interception
                 IF ( Text(1:10) .EQ. New_message ) THEN
                     READ ( UNIT = Unit, FMT = *, IOSTAT = IO_Stat )   &
     &                                                            Number
                     IF ( IO_Stat .NE. 0 )                             &
     &                   CALL CTN_Error_Interception
                     IF ( Number .EQ. Message )                        &
     &                   EXIT
!            Read line
!            ---------
             DO k = 1, Line
                 READ ( Unit, "(A)", IOSTAT = IO_Stat ) Text
                 IF ( IO_Stat .NE. 0 )                                 &
     &               CALL CTN_Error_Interception
                 IF ( Text(1:10) .EQ. New_message )                    &
     &               CALL CTN_Error_Interception
!            Output
!            ------
             Read_Message = Text
!            Error interception
!            ------------------
             SUBROUTINE CTN_Error_Interception
                 Text = " ERROR IN ROUTINE " // TRIM(Name) // "!"
                 CALL Ausgabe ( Screen, TRIM(Text) // "!", "(/A)" )
                 WRITE ( Text, "(A,I5,A,I3)" ) " MESSAGE NOT FOUND:",  &
     &                                               Message, " -", Line
                 CALL Ausgabe ( Screen, TRIM(Text), "(A/)" )
                 Read_Message = Text
             END SUBROUTINE CTN_Error_Interception
          END FUNCTION Read_Message
!      End: Module MODULE_SPRACHE

           Summary: internal compiler error: in lhd_set_decl_assembler_name,
                    at langhooks.c:165
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.1.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: fortran
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: P dot Schaffnit at access dot rwth-aachen dot de
                CC: gcc-bugs at gcc dot gnu dot org


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