------- Additional Comments From sbodomerle at gmail dot com  2005-08-21 11:30 
(In reply to comment #1) 
> I tried to run this under JamVM+Classpath: 
> $ jamvm -Dpython.home="/home/fitzsim/jython-2.1" -classpath 
> "/home/fitzsim/jython-2.1/jython.jar" "org.python.util.jython" 
> Jython 2.1 on java1.4.2 (JIT: ) 
> >>> import javax.swing as swing 
> Traceback (innermost last): 
>   File "<console>", line 1, in ? 
> ImportError: no module named javax 
> >>>  
> Any idea what I'm missing? 
 Seems that jython cant make its cache directory - try adding something like 
Seems that this is not enough on my ubuntu machine and i have to add rt.jar to 
the classpath. I managed to fire up jamvm with the following: 
jamvm -Dpython.cachedir="/tmp" -Dpython.home="/usr/lib/python2.1" -classpath 
Jython 2.1 on java1.4.2 (JIT: ) 
>>> import javax.swing 



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