------- Additional Comments From greenrd at greenrd dot org  2005-08-28 23:25 
memcmp (which is compiled for i686 in fedora because it is part of glibc) is
actually less efficient than the current code on my athlon! I was so surprised,
I ran the memcmp benchmark again, and the results differed by no more than 

Here are the wallclock times in ms, followed by the advantage of block compare
over the current code. n is the length of the strings tested.

n   | Current | block compare | memcmp | Advantage of block compare
10  | 10717   | 9236          | 11957  | 16%
30  | 16427   | 14618         | 19884  | 12%
50  | 22181   | 17539         | 27550  | 26%
70  | 28052   | 20978         | 35243  | 34%
90  | 32966   | 24695         | 42815  | 33%
110 | 42975   | 28453         | 55036  | 51%

All these tests were done on x86 with the same -O, -g and -f flags as make
bootstrap uses by default, using LD_PRELOAD to "hot-replace" the code, and
without the assertion enabled in the benchmark.

The advantage of block compare rises to 54% for n=10 and 81% for n=110 if
-march=athlon-xp is used (to compile both the original code and my block compare



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