------- Comment #11 from thebohemian at gmx dot net 2005-10-19 16:14 ------- In the JavaUtils class of axis 1.2 RC2 contains the following instruction:
639: invokevirtual <Method javax.activation.DataHandler.getContent ()java.lang.Object> With a missing DataHandler class file this JavaUtils class can be verified successfully on sun' s jvm but fails at this instruction on gij. I traced the problem back to a call to in _Jv_BytecodeVerifier::ref_intersection::compatible(_Jv_BytecodeVerifier::ref_intersection*, _Jv_BytecodeVerifier*) In that method the names of the two classes (which are not resolved) are the following: (gdb) putf self->data.name $152 = 0x121054 "javax.activation.DataHandler" (gdb) putf other_iter->data.name $153 = 0x80736ac "Ljavax.activation.DataHandler;" Obviously this denotes the same classnames but for Jv_equalUtf8Consts which is called in _Jv_BytecodeVerifier::ref_intersection::compatible() the strings are different. I propose to fix the problem in the following way: Instead of if (! self->is_resolved && ! other_iter->is_resolved && _Jv_equalUtf8Consts (self->data.name, other_iter->data.name)) do if (! self->is_resolved && ! other_iter->is_resolved && ( _Jv_equalUtf8Consts (self->data.name, other_iter->data.name) || match_classname(self->data.name, other_iter->data.name ) ) match_classname is then implemented in a way that it would accept all these names as equal: java/lang/Class Ljava/lang/Class; java.lang.Class Ljava.lang.Class; However there might be another approach to the problem: One could make sure that class names in _Jv_UTF8_Const objects are always in the Lp1/p2/p3/classname; form. Please comment. -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17021