------- Comment #5 from pfl at iis dot fhg dot de  2005-11-09 18:35 -------
Ok, I switched to MacOSX.

There I have a /usr/gnu/build/gcc-4.0.2 diectory with the original sources.
Then I do a 

../gcc-4.0.2/configure --cache-file=../mips-gcc-4.0.2.configure.cache
--prefix=/usr/gnu --bindir=/usr/gnu/bin --sbindir=/usr/gnu/sbin
--libdir=/usr/gnu/lib32 --disable-nls --disable-multilib --disable-intl
--enable-languages=c,c++ --target=mips-sgi-irix6.5
--program-prefix=mips-sgi-irix6.5- --with-libs=/usr/gnu/mips-sgi-irix6.5/lib
--with-gnu-ld --with-ld=/usr/gnu/bin/mips-sgi-irix6.5-ld --with-gnu-as

in the directory: /usr/gnu/build/mips-gcc-4.0.2-compile

As preparation I did a:

> CFLAGS=-O1 CXXFLAGS=-O1 ./configure --cache-file=../binutils_configure.cache 
> --prefix=/usr/gnu --bindir=/usr/gnu/bin --sbindir=/usr/gnu/sbin 
> --libdir=/usr/gnu/lib32 --program-prefix=mips-sgi-irix6.5- 
> --target=mips-sgi-irix6.5
> make 
> make install

on the binutils-2.16.1 in: /usr/gnu/build/mips-binutils-2.16.1.

Furthermore, I copied the original libs from the SGI box (IRIX 6.5.25) to:
/usr/gnu/mips-sgi-irix6.5/lib and the headers to:

This it the contens of those directorys:

> pwd
> ls -l
total 14536
-rw-r--r--    1 pfeil  pfeil       30 Sep 11 23:13 COPIED
drwxr-xr-x   32 pfeil  pfeil     1088 Sep 29 23:28 ldscripts
-r-xr-xr-x    1 pfeil  pfeil  3322796 Sep 30 00:17 libc.so
-r-xr-xr-x    1 pfeil  pfeil  3322796 Sep 11 23:30 libc.so.1
-r--r--r--    1 pfeil  pfeil   128088 Sep 11 23:30 libdisk.so
-r--r--r--    1 pfeil  pfeil    67600 Sep 11 23:30 libpam.so
-r--r--r--    1 pfeil  pfeil    25224 Sep 11 23:30 libpam_misc.so
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pfeil  pfeil   555440 Sep 11 23:30 rld

> pwd
> ls
ABIinfo.h               ieeefp.h                resolv.h
FlexLexer.h             internal                rld_interface.h
MediaViewer             inttypes.h              rpc
Mrm                     invent.h                rpcsvc
Sgm                     isam.h                  rsvp
SpeedShop               iso646.h                sac.h
Vk                      kmem.h                  sat.h
X11                     ksys                    sched.h
Xm                      langinfo.h              scncomment.h
a.out.h                 lastlog.h               scnhdr.h
abi_mutex.h             ldfcn.h                 search.h
aio.h                   libXlate.h              semaphore.h
alloca.h                libdwarf.h              setjmp.h
aouthdr.h               libelf.h                sex.h
ar.h                    liberrno.h              sgi_nl.h
archives.h              libexc.h                sgidefs.h
arcs                    libftn.h                sgidlfcn.h
arpa                    libgen.h                sgtty.h
asm.h                   libw.h                  shadow.h
assert.h                limits.h                shlib.h
auxv.h                  linenum.h               sigfpe.h
bstring.h               locale.h                siginfo.h
cap_net.h               locale_attr.h           signal.h
capability.h            make                    snmp
cblas.h                 malloc.h                sock_extern.h
ckpt.h                  math.h                  ssdi.h
clearance.h             math62.h                stamp.h
clibdefs.h              mdbm.h                  standards.h
cmplrs                  mediad.h                std.h
compact_reloc.h         memory.h                stdarg.h
core.out.h              mls.h                   stddef.h
cpio.h                  mntent.h                stdio.h
cr1.h                   mon.h                   stdlib.h
cray                    monetary.h              storclass.h
crypt.h                 mpc.h                   string.h
cs.h                    mpool.h                 strings.h
ctype.h                 mqueue.h                stropts.h
curses.h                msym.h                  stsupport.h
db.h                    mutex.h                 sum.h
dbm.h                   namefs                  svr4_math.h
deflt.h                 nan.h                   sym.h
devmgmt.h               nanothread.h            sym64.h
di_aux.h                ndbm.h                  sym_aux.h
di_group.h              net                     symconst.h
di_passwd.h             netconfig.h             syms.h
dial.h                  netdb.h                 sys
dirent.h                netdir.h                sys.s
disassembler.h          netinet                 sysexits.h
dlfcn.h                 netman                  syslog.h
dslib.h                 netns                   tar.h
dwarf.h                 nl_types.h              task.h
elf.h                   nlist.h                 tcpd.h
elf_abi.h               ns_api.h                term.h
elf_delta.h             ns_daemon.h             termio.h
elf_mips.h              obj.h                   termios.h
elfaccess.h             obj_ext.h               time.h
emgr                    obj_list.h              timers.h
errno.h                 obj_type.h              tiuser.h
eventmonapi.h           objlist.h               tserialio.h
exception.h             openssl                 ttymap.h
excpt.h                 opnames.h               tzfile.h
exportent.h             optional_sym.h          ucontext.h
fam.h                   patchhdr.h              udmalib.h
fcntl.h                 paths.h                 uil
fetchop.h               pcp                     uldb.h
ffio.h                  pfmt.h                  ulimit.h
fifofs                  pipefs                  ulocks.h
filehdr.h               pkgdev.h                unctrl.h
float.h                 pkginfo.h               unistd.h
fmtmsg.h                pkglocs.h               ustat.h
fnmatch.h               pkgstrct.h              utime.h
fortran.h               pkgtrans.h              utmp.h
fp_class.h              poll.h                  utmpx.h
fsd.h                   procfs                  valtools.h
ftw.h                   proj.h                  values.h
getabi.h                protocols               varargs.h
getopt.h                pthread.h               vdComResPkt.h
getwidth.h              pwd.h                   vme_dma_engine.h
glob.h                  rapi_err.h              wait.h
grio.h                  rapi_lib.h              wchar.h
grio2.h                 re_comp.h               wctype.h
grp.h                   regdef.h                whirl2c.h
gssapi                  regex.h                 widec.h
hostreg.h               regexp.h                wordexp.h
ia.h                    regexpr.h               wsregexp.h
iconv.h                 reloc.h                 xti.h

Unfortunately, the make of the gcc-4.0.2 does not succed:


configure: Debug build flags set to -g3 -O0
checking for additional debug build... no
checking for extra compiler flags for building... 
configure: error: No support for this host/target combination.
make: *** [configure-target-libstdc++-v3] Error 1


pfl at iis dot fhg dot de changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                URL|                            |http://andreas.familie-
                   |                            |pfeil.com/unix/howto/compile
                   |                            |.php
             Status|WAITING                     |UNCONFIRMED


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