------- Comment #3 from jvdelisle at gcc dot gnu dot org 2006-01-22 07:45 ------- In the following case, the second read is failing to read anything and gives no error, giving the impression that it is working if you don't look at the data. Works for data size of 2044 or less. This bug is ugly. Works fine if you get rid of the first read, which leads me to believe we are not cleaning up correctly after an end error condition. (I have been down more than one trail on this already so who knows) :)
integer data(2045) data=5 open(unit=11,form='unformatted') write(11)data read(11,end= 1000 )data call abort() 1000 continue backspace 11 backspace 11 data = 0 read(11)data print *, data close(11) end -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25835