------- Comment #2 from anton dot kirillov at rd-software dot com  2006-01-27 
13:12 -------
(In reply to comment #1)
> earth:~>g++ t.cc -pedantic -Wwrite-strings
> t.cc: In function ‘int main()’:
> t.cc:5: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’'

Conversion from string constant to ‘char*’' it's legacy from C, but GCC should
not perceive it as const char*, because the type of expression is const char[]!

I think GCC have defined it as a compile-time constant, but it's infeasible

In other situation it behaves correctly:

void foo( char* );

int main()
        bool flag = false;
        foo( flag ? "a" : "b" ); // error ( cannot convert from const char* to
char* )



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