------- Comment #4 from hjl at lucon dot org  2006-05-18 21:54 -------

    atmp.6.dtype = 538;
    atmp.6.dim[0].stride = 1;
    atmp.6.dim[0].lbound = 0;
    atmp.6.dim[0].ubound = 1;
    atmp.6.dim[1].stride = 2;
    atmp.6.dim[1].lbound = 0;
    atmp.6.dim[1].ubound = 1;
    atmp.6.data = (void *) &A.7;
    atmp.6.offset = 0;
    atmp.6.dim[0].stride = 0;  <------ That causes the problem.
    test (&atmp.6);
    atmp.8.dtype = atmp.6.dtype;
    atmp.8.dim[0].stride = atmp.6.dim[1].stride;
    atmp.8.dim[0].lbound = atmp.6.dim[1].lbound;
    atmp.8.dim[0].ubound = atmp.6.dim[1].ubound;
    atmp.8.dim[1].stride = atmp.6.dim[0].stride;
    atmp.8.dim[1].lbound = atmp.6.dim[0].lbound;
    atmp.8.dim[1].ubound = atmp.6.dim[0].ubound;
    atmp.8.data = atmp.6.data;
    atmp.8.offset = atmp.6.offset;
    _gfortran_matmul_r8 (&parm.4, &parm.5, &atmp.8);



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