------- Comment #11 from paul dot richard dot thomas at cea dot fr  2006-08-04 
08:14 -------
Steve and Martin,

> > Hmm, but my point was that even if gfortran thinks that the __convert_*
> > routines are elemental (as was mentioned in an earlier comment), it should
> > still compile the code without problems, because it is proven that the
> > optional argument actually exists when the __convert_* call is made.

I think that you are right - I screwed up by nor reading the first sentence
carefully enough.

> It's more complicated than just optional and elemental.
> The patch, AFAICT, is correct.

Yes, I think that it is in that it excludes procedures marked as elemental that
are not, in fact, elemental.

I have taken a brief look at making a runtime version of this error and have
recoiled in horror; the combination of simplification and separate translation
of intrinsic procedures leads me to believe that the best course of action
would be to accept Steve's patch and change the error to a warning.




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