On Sat, 2006-10-14 at 17:52 +0000, h dot b dot furuseth at usit dot uio
dot no wrote:
> > Also you forgot one thing '%' does not have to match up with the ANSI
> > character set so it could be negative in signed char which means char
> > (which could default to signed char) would be different.
> No.  In a conforming C implementation, the character *which C interprets
> as '%'* must have a positive value.  Maybe you are thinking of the
> opposite case:  What its glyph _looks like_ on some display device is out
> of scope for the C standard.

But at this point, we are talking about C++ where 'a' is of type char.
I have to look at what the C++ standard says about this.

-- Pinski

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