------- Comment #34 from gcc at troy dot rollo dot name  2007-03-06 03:51 
The problem looks like a bug in GCC's optimisation in 4.1.1 - for the following

152             while (--delete_count>=0) {
153                     zval *q = *(zval **)(--p);
154                     *p = NULL;
(gdb) l
155                     zval_ptr_dtor(&q);
156             }
157             EG(argument_stack).top_element = p;

('p' is declared as void **)

it is producing:

     add  %fp, -20, %l3
L1   clr  %g1
     add  %l0, -4, %l0
     st  %g1, [ %fp + -20 ]
     clr  [ %l0 ]
     call  0x261ea4 <_zval_ptr_dtor>
     mov  %l3, %o0
     inc  %l1
     cmp  %l2, %l1
     bne  L1

%l0 contains the pointer "p". %l3 contains &q (q is at %fp-20). 
Notice that %g1 (which is set to 0 at L1) is always being stored 
in "q".



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