------- Comment #23 from rob1weld at aol dot com  2007-06-16 18:12 -------
> Comment #17 From [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2007-06-13 11:30 [reply] ------- 
>>> On Tue, 6 Feb 2007, Florent de Dinechin wrote:
>>> We are the maintainers of the crlibm project, which aims at developping a
>>> modern, correctly rounded version of the libm licenced under the LGPL.
>>> Project homepage is https://lipforge.ens-lyon.fr/projects/crlibm/
>>> I feel that this project is now achieving sufficient maturity to be a
>>> candidate for gradual inclusion in the glibc. I would appreciate any 
>>> feedback
>>> on this question, and probably some practical advice.
>>The following are just my views, I don't speak for the glibc maintainers.
>>First, I expect it will be necessary to follow the FSF copyright 
>>assignment process.  While various parts of glibc at present, including 
> ... (many lines deleted)
>>The glibc bug database <http://sources.redhat.com/bugzilla/> has 57 open 
>>bugs in the "math" component, mostly suspended until someone comes forward 
>>with patches for them.  Perhaps your new implementations fix some of them? 

> I previously suggested to the crlibm authors that they consider assigning 
> it to the FSF for contribution to libgcc-math 
> <http://sourceware.org/ml/libc-alpha/2007-02/msg00010.html>.  I don't know 
> if anything has happened on that since then.

I guess not. When someone offers you something tell them that. ;)

I did follow the libgcc-math thread. The glibc people refused the libgcc-math
permission to use glibc code in libgcc-math. Numerous patches were backed out
leaving little left. http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2006-05/msg00408.html



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