Answering my own question:
The `-finline-limit=N' option allows you to adjust the inline
threshold. The documentation says the default is 600. A value of <= 35
ensured that my 116 byte function was not inlined, which suggests that
a more reasonable default value on the AVR might be around 20.

I still want functions that are only called once to always be inlined.
How does the -finline-limit option affect this case?


On Nov 22, 2007 1:28 PM, Shaun Jackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With GCC r130284 --target=avr, a 116 byte static function that is
> called twice is inlined even with -Os, effectively doubling the
> function's footprint. I'd argue a function this large shouldn't even
> be inlined with -O2. What is the size cutoff for inlining functions?
> Can I modify it? If a code snippet would help troubleshoot this
> matter, I can certainly send one along.
> Cheers,
> Shaun

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