------- Comment #3 from chris dot rimmer at antixlabs dot com  2008-01-16 12:08 
I've just encountered the same issue.  My reading of the standard says that it
is a bug.

  15.3 [except.handle] paragraph 3
  A handler is a match for an exception object of type E if
  - The handler is of type cv T or cv T& and [...]
  - the handler is of type cv T or cv T& and [...]
  - the handler is of type cv1 T* cv2 and E is a pointer type that can be
converted to the type of the handler by [...]

Note the lack of "or cv1 T* cv2 &" in the third list item.

Interestingly, the document "The Exception Handling ABI for the ARM
defines (in 8.4.2 - Personality routine helper functions) a function
__cxa_type_match which takes an argument 'bool is_reference_type'.



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