------- Comment #11 from dominiq at lps dot ens dot fr  2008-03-05 15:29 -------
(In reply to comment #10)

[ibook-dhum] f90/bug% cat nist_827_red_2.f
      program fm827

      double precision avd, bvd, cvd, dvd, dvcorr               
      cvd = 10.0d0
      dvd = 6.0d0
      dvd = dlog10(cvd) - 2.0d0 /
     1 (dexp(dvd) + 1.0d0)
      avd = dvd - dtanh(3.0d0) 
      if (abs(avd) > 0.5000000000d-09) then
        print *, "fails"
        print *, "avd=",avd," should be: ", 0.0_8
        print *, dlog10(cvd), dexp(dvd)
        print *, "passes"
      end if
[ibook-dhum] f90/bug% gfc -m64 nist_827_red_2.f
[ibook-dhum] f90/bug% a.out
 avd= -1.00000000000000000       should be:    0.0000000000000000     
   0.0000000000000000       0.99506696128579508     

The first real of the last line is dlog10(cvd) with cvd = 10.0d0, so it should
be 1.0 and not 0.0.



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