------- Comment #9 from dominiq at lps dot ens dot fr  2008-07-11 22:10 -------
The executable for the following code

!       print *, 'open'

also hangs.  Stepping with gdb gives:

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffdb98) at
11      {
(gdb) s
13        store_exe_path (argv[0]);
(gdb) s
*__gfortran_store_exe_path (argv0=0xbfffdd04
at ../../../gcc-4.4-work/libgfortran/runtime/main.c:114
114       if (argv0[0] == '/')
(gdb) s
103     {
(gdb) s
114       if (argv0[0] == '/')
(gdb) s
116           exe_path = argv0;
(gdb) s
117           please_free_exe_path_when_done = 0;
(gdb) s
133     }
(gdb) s
main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffdb98) at ../../../gcc-4.4-work/libgfortran/fmain.c:16
16        set_args (argc, argv);
(gdb) s
*__gfortran_set_args (argc=1, argv=0xbfffdb98) at
82        argc_save = argc;
(gdb) s
83        argv_save = argv;
(gdb) s
84      }
(gdb) s
main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffdb98) at ../../../gcc-4.4-work/libgfortran/fmain.c:21
21        MAIN__ ();
(gdb) s
25      }
(gdb) s
0x00001ee6 in start ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function start, 
which has no line number information.
0x00003014 in dyld_stub_exit ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function dyld_stub_exit, 
which has no line number information.
0x8fe18b20 in __dyld_fast_stub_binding_helper_interface ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function
which has no line number information.
0x8fe18b22 in __dyld_stub_binding_helper_interface ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function __dyld_stub_binding_helper_interface, 
which has no line number information.
0x8fe18b42 in __dyld_misaligned_stack_error ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function __dyld_misaligned_stack_error, 
which has no line number information.
0x8fe18b5a in __dyld_stub_binding_helper_interface2 ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function __dyld_stub_binding_helper_interface2, 
which has no line number information.
0x8fe06e40 in __dyld__ZN4dyld14bindLazySymbolEPK11mach_headerPm ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function
which has no line number information.
0x8fe0e430 in __dyld__ZNK11ImageLoader15containsAddressEPKv ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function
which has no line number information.
0x8fe13250 in __dyld__ZNK16ImageLoaderMachO13beginSegmentsEv ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function
which has no line number information.
0x8fe0e457 in __dyld__ZNK11ImageLoader15containsAddressEPKv ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function
which has no line number information.
0x8fe06f22 in __dyld__ZN4dyld14bindLazySymbolEPK11mach_headerPm ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function
which has no line number information.
0x8fe18b6f in __dyld_stub_binding_helper_interface2 ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function __dyld_stub_binding_helper_interface2, 
which has no line number information.
0x93b6aeaf in exit ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function exit, 
which has no line number information.
0xa0a74539 in dyld_stub___cxa_finalize ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function dyld_stub___cxa_finalize, 
which has no line number information.
0x93b6aeeb in __cxa_finalize ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function __cxa_finalize, 
which has no line number information.
0x8fe04ee0 in __dyld__ZN4dyld14runTerminatorsEPv ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function __dyld__ZN4dyld14runTerminatorsEPv, 
which has no line number information.
0x8fe12ee0 in
__dyld__ZN16ImageLoaderMachO13doTerminationERKN11ImageLoader11LinkContextE ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function
which has no line number information.
cleanup () at ../../../gcc-4.4-work/libgfortran/runtime/main.c:174
174     {
(gdb) s
0x000fa493 in __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ()
(gdb) s
Single stepping until exit from function __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx, 
which has no line number information.
cleanup () at ../../../gcc-4.4-work/libgfortran/runtime/main.c:175
175       close_units ();
(gdb) s
*__gfortrani_close_units () at ../../../gcc-4.4-work/libgfortran/io/unit.c:688
688       __gthread_mutex_lock (&unit_lock);
(gdb) s
** Simulating stepping into inlined subroutine.  **
694       if (__gthread_active_p ())
(gdb) p __gthread_active_p ()
No symbol "__gthread_active_p" in current context.
(gdb) s
689       while (unit_root != NULL)
(gdb) p unit_root
No symbol "unit_root" in current context.
(gdb) s
695         return __gthrw_(pthread_mutex_lock) (mutex);
(gdb) s
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x93b424ee in semaphore_wait_signal_trap ()

If I uncomment the commented line I get:

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffdb98) at
11      {
(gdb) s
13        store_exe_path (argv[0]);
(gdb) s
*__gfortran_store_exe_path (argv0=0xbfffdd04
at ../../../gcc-4.4-work/libgfortran/runtime/main.c:114
114       if (argv0[0] == '/')
(gdb) s
103     {
(gdb) s
114       if (argv0[0] == '/')
(gdb) s
116           exe_path = argv0;
(gdb) s
117           please_free_exe_path_when_done = 0;
(gdb) s
133     }
(gdb) s
main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffdb98) at ../../../gcc-4.4-work/libgfortran/fmain.c:16
16        set_args (argc, argv);
(gdb) s
*__gfortran_set_args (argc=1, argv=0xbfffdb98) at
82        argc_save = argc;
(gdb) s
83        argv_save = argv;
(gdb) s
84      }
(gdb) s
main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffdb98) at ../../../gcc-4.4-work/libgfortran/fmain.c:21
21        MAIN__ ();
(gdb) s
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x93b424ee in semaphore_wait_signal_trap ()

>From pr30617 I noticed that the "mutex" behavior is not the same on Darwin and
on Linux, but I don't know anything about the whole stuff.



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