------- Comment #8 from schilds at sun dot ac dot za  2008-08-08 08:31 -------
What does Fortran 2003 have to do with legacy mode? Nothing. So far as I know
the GCC compiler is at odds with Solaris, Intel, Vax, you name it. All of these
allowed you to touch unit 6 without affecting the print*, (or write(*,*))
statement. The behaviour is therefore both unexpected and difficult to track
down (not even a warning). 

This is a serious bug, make no mistake. It causes existing Fortran 77 code to
fail. It's wasted a lot of my time and, no doubt, a lot of other, good peoples'
too. The ubiquitousness of the print*, (or write(*,*)) statement makes fixing
this bug a priority.



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