------- Comment #5 from hp at gcc dot gnu dot org  2008-12-31 19:13 -------
Glancing at the assembly and simulator trace (no looking at rtl or tree dumps
yet), the value of "p" (sp after the first alloca) is somehow lost and after
the __builtin_longjmp we effectively strcmp (NULL, "test") which FWIW, doesn't
SEGV in the simulator, but nevertheless obviously doesn't match.
At the longjmp-receiver, "p" is retrieved for the strcmp call as "move.d
[$sp+8],$r10", i.e. $r10 = *((char *) $sp + 8), but that's bogus as nothing was
stored there; "move.d $sp,$r10" (just copying the stack-pointer) would have
been correct.

I'll look further.  HNY.



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