------- Comment #4 from rob1weld at aol dot com  2009-01-13 14:53 -------
(In reply to comment #3)
> Coverage builds should not be bootstrapped.
> Profiled bootstrap means build stage1 with no opts and then stage2 with
> generating the profiling data and then build some target libraries (not all
> though) and the build stage3 using that generated profile data.

For "Coverage" I used the additional ./configure option of
"--enable-coverage=noopt" and initiated the 'make' by typing "gmake".

For "Profiling" I used no additional ./configure options and initiated
the 'make' by typing "gmake profiledbootstrap".


PS: I did succeed in compiling gcc and it's libraries with the "coverage"
options: "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" and now when I run the Testsuite
I get coverage stats in my executable's directory. 



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