------- Comment #1 from dominiq at lps dot ens dot fr  2009-05-08 14:55 -------
Why are you using a code in C for the tests? If I use the following as the main

      real res1, res2
      call myfunc(1000.0,850.0,143.204,30.5280,8.2351,res1,res2)
      print *, res1, res1-res2

      call myfunc2(103780.0,253.13005,231.676270,-16.904803,res1,res2)
      print *, res1, res1-res2

      print *, res1, res1-res2, spacing(res1)

I get

   310.40363       0.0000000    
   23223.025       0.0000000    
   142007.84      1.56250000E-02  1.56250000E-02

So the difference between the res1 and res2 is either 0  or one LSB. What did
you expect?

Tests on intel-darwin with or without -m64.



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