------- Comment #2 from eightdot at hotmail dot com  2009-05-18 07:13 -------
mm it apreas to be fixed somewhere between 4.1.1 and 4.4.2 
(revision 109661 and 109987 seams to be good candidates afaik in viewcvs but i
cant find which release this is corresponding to..)

input main.c:

output "/usr/libexec/gcc/m32c-unknown-elf/4.1.1/cc1 -mcpu=m16c main.c":
    enter   #13
    mov.w   r1,-10[fb]
    mov.w   #4660,-6[fb]
    mov.w   #22136,-8[fb]
    mov.w   -10[fb],r0
    mov.w   r0,-13[fb]
    mov.w   -6[fb],r2
    mov.w   -8[fb],r0
    mov.b   -13[fb],r1l
    neg.b   r1l
    mov.b   r1l,-11[fb]
    mov.b   -11[fb],r1l
    mov.b   r1l,r1h
    sha.l   r1h,r2r0
    mov.w   r2,-2[fb]
    mov.w   r0,-4[fb]
    mov.w   -4[fb],r0

output "/usr/src/cross/m32c/build/gcc-4.4.0/gcc/cc1 -mcpu=m16c main.c"
    enter   #15-2
    mov.w   r1,-10[fb]
    mov.w   #4660,-6[fb]
    mov.w   #22136,-8[fb]
    mov.w   -10[fb],r0
    mov.w   r0,-13[fb]
    mov.w   -6[fb],r2
    mov.w   -8[fb],r0
    mov.b   -13[fb],r1l
    neg.b   r1l
    mov.b   r1l,-11[fb]
    cmp.b   #-16,-11[fb]
    jge .L2
    sha.l   #-8,r2r0
    sha.l   #-8,r2r0
    add.b   #16,-11[fb]
    mov.b   -11[fb],r1h
    sha.l   r1h,r2r0
    mov.w   r2,-2[fb]
    mov.w   r0,-4[fb]
    mov.w   -4[fb],r0

so it works ok for 4.4.0 



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