------- Comment #8 from arjen dot verweij at tass-safe dot com  2009-05-19 
10:59 -------
We use xlf 5724-M1300 on AIX and there is no problem there. The V10
manual[x] also prohibits it, but I don't see the V12 manual stating they broke
backwards compatability, so I will assume that it works just fine with V12.


For your reference, we compile code in violation of the OpenMP standard just
fine on:

hpparisc: HP-UX f90 20030609 (172812) B3907DB/B3909DB B.11.01.67 PHSS_28996 HP
F90 v2.6.7
hpia64: HP-UX f90 B.11.23.22 PHSS_32711/PHSS_32712
ibm on g5: xlf 5724-M1300
linux24 ia32: Intel Fortran Version 8.1 Build 20050702Z
linux24 ia64: Intel Fortran Itanium compiler Version 9.0 Build 20050912
linux24_x86_64: PGI compiler pgf90 6.1-2
linux26-x86_64: PGI compiler pgf90 6.1-2
linux24-em64t: Intel Fortran Compiler ifort 9.1
sgi64r10k: Fortran 77, 7.4.3m

We also compile on win32 and win64 but I don't have the compiler specifics atm.
I have tried to figure out how it came to be that so many compilers are not
compliant, but I can't find a good source.

(In reply to comment #7)
I looked at other
> compilers and while IBM does not seem to allow it [1], Intel does not write
> anything about it [2] and for sun I couldn't find anything.
> [1]
> http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/lnxpcomp/v101v121/topic/com.ibm.xlf121.linux.doc/proguide/threadprivate.html



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