Aharon Robbins wrote:
Hi. After several tries and a modicum of googling, I found that

        CFLAGS=-m64 ../gcc-4.4.0/configure --disable-multilib

was the magic incantation to get gcc to get into the second stage of
the boostrap.  This is on a Fedora Core 10 system.

This seems to be an old issue; google turns things up dating back to
2003.  I suspect that x86_64 systems are only going to be more popular
with time; the build process on those systems needs to be as easy as
for 32 bit systems.


Arnold Robbins
(the gawk guy :-)


I have been building gcc for several years now with no issues on x86-64 and on Fedora Core 10 ever since it was released. What exactly has been your problem?

Its been as easy as 123.  I have never had to set CCFLAGS or disable-multilib.


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