------- Comment #1 from joseph at codesourcery dot com  2009-07-26 21:43 -------
Subject: Re:   New: Designated initializers for multi-dimensional
 arrays fail in Objective-C

On Sun, 26 Jul 2009, sergei dot yakovlev at gmail dot com wrote:

> Designated initializers for multi-dimensional arrays work great in C (C99), 
> but
> fail in Objective-C (see example below). Given that Objective-C is proclaimed 
> a
> strict superset of C, I consider this a bug.

This was a property of the old C parser I carefully replicated when 
writing the new one.  I do not know if there exists a C99-based 
specification of ObjC that clarifies what is intended (and note that this 
interacts with the old GNU form of designated initializers as well); I 
took it as given by the implementation at that time.

              /* ??? Following the old parser, [ objc-receiver
                 objc-message-args ] is accepted as an initializer,
                 being distinguished from a designator by what follows
                 the first assignment expression inside the square
                 brackets, but after a first array designator a
                 subsequent square bracket is for Objective-C taken to
                 start an expression, using the obsolete form of
                 designated initializer without '=', rather than
                 possibly being a second level of designation: in LALR
                 terms, the '[' is shifted rather than reducing
                 designator to designator-list.  */



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