------- Comment #4 from joseph at codesourcery dot com  2009-07-27 21:02 -------
Subject: Re:   New: stdarg.h does not define va_copy when building
 for C89+POSIX

On Mon, 27 Jul 2009, bmerry at gmail dot com wrote:

> POSIX 2001 specifies that va_copy
> (http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/va_copy.html) is
> defined by stdarg.h. However, when compiling with -std=c89
> -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L this does not happen. I've encountered this in 
> 4.3.2,
> but a quick peek in svn makes it look this this is current.

POSIX 2001 is based on C99 and does not have any C89 language bindings, so 
it is not meaningful to say it imposes any requirements when not building 
in C99 mode.



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