------- Comment #7 from ian dot bush at nag dot co dot uk  2009-08-18 16:58 
Subject: Re:  openMP include file causes errors when compiling
 with standards checking

joseph at codesourcery dot com wrote:
> ------- Comment #6 from joseph at codesourcery dot com  2009-08-18 16:52 
> -------
> Subject: Re:  openMP include file causes errors when
>  compiling with standards checking
> On Tue, 18 Aug 2009, ian dot bush at nag dot co dot uk wrote:
>> Also Fortran doesn't have the concept of system headers, so how should the
>> compiler decide what is a "system header" or not ? In some cases, like openMP
>> it's reasonably clear, but for third party software it's difficult. Hence my
>> suggestion in the original bug report to somehow allow the user to specify 
>> that
>> diagnostics from certain include files should be ignored.
> System headers are headers in system header directories: directories of 
> headers provided by the system (not necessarily just those that come with 
> GCC) and are searched by default.  In the present case, the file is 
> installed by gcc in libsubdir/finclude, and I don't know what other system 
> directories gfortran might search by default.

OK, my misunderstanding on a piece of terminology. Thanks for educating me.

But still the option to say "please ignore diagnostics generated in this
header/include file" would be useful,


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