------- Comment #8 from geir at cray dot com  2009-09-18 18:41 -------
Here is how other compilers process this code:


$ pgf90 -mp test.f90
$ ./a.out
Warning: omp_set_num_threads (4) greater than available cpus (2)
 tmp, fsize    3.141592653589793                -7
 s =    0.000000000000000
$ pgf90 test.f90
$ ./a.out
 tmp, fsize    3.141592653589793                -7
 s =    100.0000000000000


$ ifort -openmp test.f90
$ ./a.out
 tmp, fsize   3.14159265358979               -7
 s =   100.000000000000
$ ifort test.f90
/tmp/pbs.1871075.sdb/ifortE1EQWX.o: In function `MAIN__':
test.f90:(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `omp_set_num_threads_'


$ ftn -target=native -Oomp test.f90
/opt/cray/xt-asyncpe/3.3/bin/ftn: INFO: native target is being used
$ ./a.out
 tmp, fsize 3.1415926535897931,  -7
 s = 0.
$ ftn -target=native -Onoomp test.f90
/opt/cray/xt-asyncpe/3.3/bin/ftn: INFO: native target is being used
$ ./a.out
 tmp, fsize 3.1415926535897931,  -7
 s = 100.

I would say that none of the above are desired behavior, but rather a runtime
error message should be printed out.



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