The example below shows that besides the fact that declared as INTENT(OUT) the
component 'n' is not initialized per default the second time. This is demanded
by the FORTRAN standard. 
Example code:
program main

 type :: container_t
    integer :: n = 0
    ! if the following line is omitted, the problem disappears
    integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: a
 end type container_t

 type(container_t) :: container

 call init (container)
 print *, "Initial state:"
 call dump (container)

 container%n = 1
 print *, "Modified state:"
 call dump (container)

 call init (container)
 print *, "Initial state again:"
 call dump (container)


 subroutine init (container)
   type(container_t), intent(out) :: container
 end subroutine init

 subroutine dump (container)
   type(container_t), intent(in) :: container
   print "(A,I0,1x,L)", "   value = ", container%n
 end subroutine dump

end program main

           Summary: wrong code, mis-initialization
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.5.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: blocker
          Priority: P3
         Component: fortran
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: reuter at physik dot uni-freiburg dot de
 GCC build triplet: i386-32bit, MAC OS X Leopard
  GCC host triplet: i386-32bit, MAC OS X Leopard
GCC target triplet: i386-32bit, MAC OS X Leopard

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