------- Comment #2 from ubizjak at gmail dot com  2009-10-28 10:06 -------
4.3.x and newer gcc says:

pr31043.c:3: warning: 'pi' initialized and declared 'extern'

So, if you don't want to be treated as a constant, write

double pi = M_PI;

and this will generate the code you are looking for:

        movsd   pi(%rip), %xmm0

        .long   1413754136
        .long   1074340347

As far as double copy when "double const pi = M_PI;" is used, tree optimizers
already propagate constant to return, as evident from optimized dump:

foo ()
<bb 2>:
  return 3.141592653589793115997963468544185161590576171875e+0;


And this constant is handled in different way than its shadow in the memory.



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