I think that ‘forall’ statement must be at least as fast as equivalent
‘do-…-end do’ construction.
But the next program (variant of LU-decomposition) shows that fragment
containing ‘forall’ statement is approximately at 2.5(!) times slower then
fragment with ‘do-end do’.

program test

   implicit none

    integer, parameter :: n = 2000
    integer i, j
    double precision, dimension (n, n) :: a, a1
    double precision, dimension (n) :: work
    real time_begin, time_end
    integer, dimension(1) :: max_loc
    intrinsic random_number, maxloc, CPU_TIME

    call random_number(a)
    CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
    do i = 1, n-1
        max_loc = maxloc(abs(a(i:,i)))
        j = max_loc(1) + i - 1
        if (a(j,i) == 0.0) stop 'Zero pivot'
        if (i /= j) then 
            work(i:n) = a(i,i:n)
            a(i,i:n) = a(j,i:n)
            a(j,i:n) = work(i:n)
        end if
        a(i+1:,i) = a(i+1:,i) / a(i,i)
        do j = i+1, n
            a(i+1:,j) = a(i+1:,j) - a(i,j) * a(i+1:,i)
        end do  
    end do
    CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
    print *, 'Time of operation was ', time_end - time_begin, ' seconds'

    CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
    do i = 1, n-1
        max_loc = maxloc(abs(a(i:,i))) 
        j = max_loc(1) + i - 1 
        if (a(j,i) == 0.0) stop 'Zero pivot'
        if (i /= j) then 
            work(i:n) = a(i,i:n)
            a(i,i:n) = a(j,i:n)
            a(j,i:n) = work(i:n)
        end if
        a(i+1:,i) = a(i+1:,i) / a(i,i)
        forall (j = i+1:n) a(i+1:,j) = a(i+1:,j) - a(i,j) * a(i+1:,i)  
    end do
    CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
    print *, 'Time of operation was ', time_end - time_begin, ' seconds'

end program test

GCC version 4.4.2. Windows Vista SP2, CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, RAM: 3 GB

Gfortran –O3 file_name.f95

           Summary: Slow forall
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.4.2
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: fortran
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: gretsov at gmail dot com


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