------- Comment #5 from igodard at pacbell dot net  2009-12-08 15:20 -------
Both proposals befriend more than the minimum actually needed by program
semantics. The former befriends any member of freeList<bar, baz>, not just foo;
the latter any member of any freeList at all. In addition, the former requires
that bar be a resolved type. Bar is resolved in the simplified example I
submitted, but in the original baz is itself a template and bar is a class
argument, and you get a diagnostic on a friend of the form of the first
suggestion. That's why the friend is a template, not just freeList<bar, baz> -
the original code was more like:

template<typename U>
class   baz : protected freeList<U, baz>,
              protected freeList<aType, baz>,
              protected freeList<bType, baz>,
              < more, where all but U were resolved types >
template<typename T>
void    freeList<T, baz>::foo();
    < body of baz >

but was simplified for the report.



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