Given the simple test program

#  define __kernel_cttz(x)      __builtin_ctzl(x)
unsigned long __ffs(unsigned long word)
 /* Whee.  EV67 can calculate it directly.  */
 return __kernel_cttz(word);

long foo(const unsigned long *b)
 unsigned long b0, b1, ofs, tmp;

 b0 = b[0];
 b1 = b[1];
 ofs = (b0 ? 0 : 64);
 tmp = (b0 ? b0 : b1);

 tmp = __ffs(tmp);
 return tmp + ofs;

gcc 4.3.4, 4.4.3, and 4.5.0 all produce very bad code at -O1. gcc-4.4.3
produces bad code at other levels as well, but that's for a different bug
report. I guess we really only care about 4.5 at this point.

# gcc-4.3.4 -Os -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

0000000000000008 <foo>:
   8:   00 00 10 a4     ldq     v0,0(a0)
   c:   08 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,8(a0)
  10:   c1 04 00 44     cmovne  v0,v0,t0
  14:   a0 15 00 40     cmpeq   v0,0,v0
  18:   20 d7 00 48     sll     v0,0x6,v0
  1c:   61 06 e1 73     cttz    t0,t0
  20:   00 04 01 40     addq    v0,t0,v0
  24:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

# gcc-4.3.4 -O1 -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

0000000000000008 <foo>:
   8:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
   c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  10:   f0 ff de 23     lda     sp,-16(sp)
  14:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
  18:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
  1c:   01 04 f0 47     mov     a0,t0
  20:   00 00 10 a6     ldq     a0,0(a0)
  24:   08 00 21 a4     ldq     t0,8(t0)
  28:   a9 15 00 42     cmpeq   a0,0,s0
  2c:   29 d7 20 49     sll     s0,0x6,s0
  30:   90 04 01 46     cmoveq  a0,t0,a0
  34:   00 00 40 d3     bsr     ra,38 <foo+0x30>
  38:   00 04 20 41     addq    s0,v0,v0
  3c:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
  40:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
  44:   10 00 de 23     lda     sp,16(sp)
  48:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

# gcc-4.3.4 -O2 -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
   8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop
   c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop

0000000000000010 <foo>:
  10:   00 00 10 a4     ldq     v0,0(a0)
  14:   08 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,8(a0)
  18:   c1 04 00 44     cmovne  v0,v0,t0
  1c:   a0 15 00 40     cmpeq   v0,0,v0
  20:   20 d7 00 48     sll     v0,0x6,v0
  24:   61 06 e1 73     cttz    t0,t0
  28:   00 04 01 40     addq    v0,t0,v0
  2c:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

# gcc-4.3.4 -O3 -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
   8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop
   c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop

0000000000000010 <foo>:
  10:   00 00 10 a4     ldq     v0,0(a0)
  14:   08 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,8(a0)
  18:   c1 04 00 44     cmovne  v0,v0,t0
  1c:   a0 15 00 40     cmpeq   v0,0,v0
  20:   20 d7 00 48     sll     v0,0x6,v0
  24:   61 06 e1 73     cttz    t0,t0
  28:   00 04 01 40     addq    v0,t0,v0
  2c:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

# gcc-4.4.3 -Os -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

0000000000000008 <foo>:
   8:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
   c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  10:   f0 ff de 23     lda     sp,-16(sp)
  14:   08 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,8(a0)
  18:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
  1c:   00 00 30 a5     ldq     s0,0(a0)
  20:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
  24:   10 04 e1 47     mov     t0,a0
  28:   d0 04 29 45     cmovne  s0,s0,a0
  2c:   a9 15 20 41     cmpeq   s0,0,s0
  30:   29 d7 20 49     sll     s0,0x6,s0
  34:   00 00 40 d3     bsr     ra,38 <foo+0x30>
  38:   00 04 20 41     addq    s0,v0,v0
  3c:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
  40:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
  44:   10 00 de 23     lda     sp,16(sp)
  48:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

# gcc-4.4.3 -O1 -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

0000000000000008 <foo>:
   8:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
   c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  10:   f0 ff de 23     lda     sp,-16(sp)
  14:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
  18:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
  1c:   00 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,0(a0)
  20:   08 00 10 a6     ldq     a0,8(a0)
  24:   a9 15 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0,s0
  28:   29 d7 20 49     sll     s0,0x6,s0
  2c:   d0 04 21 44     cmovne  t0,t0,a0
  30:   00 00 40 d3     bsr     ra,34 <foo+0x2c>
  34:   00 04 20 41     addq    s0,v0,v0
  38:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
  3c:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
  40:   10 00 de 23     lda     sp,16(sp)
  44:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

# gcc-4.4.3 -O2 -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
   8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop
   c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop

0000000000000010 <foo>:
  10:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
  14:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  18:   f0 ff de 23     lda     sp,-16(sp)
  1c:   08 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,8(a0)
  20:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
  24:   00 00 30 a5     ldq     s0,0(a0)
  28:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
  2c:   10 04 e1 47     mov     t0,a0
  30:   d0 04 29 45     cmovne  s0,s0,a0
  34:   a9 15 20 41     cmpeq   s0,0,s0
  38:   29 d7 20 49     sll     s0,0x6,s0
  3c:   00 00 40 d3     bsr     ra,40 <foo+0x30>
  40:   00 04 20 41     addq    s0,v0,v0
  44:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
  48:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
  4c:   10 00 de 23     lda     sp,16(sp)
  50:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
  54:   00 00 fe 2f     unop
  58:   1f 04 ff 47     nop
  5c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop

# gcc-4.4.3 -O3 -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
   8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop
   c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop

0000000000000010 <foo>:
  10:   00 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,0(a0)
  14:   08 00 10 a4     ldq     v0,8(a0)
  18:   c0 04 21 44     cmovne  t0,t0,v0
  1c:   a1 15 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0,t0
  20:   21 d7 20 48     sll     t0,0x6,t0
  24:   60 06 e0 73     cttz    v0,v0
  28:   00 04 01 40     addq    v0,t0,v0
  2c:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

# gcc-4.5.0 -Os -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

0000000000000008 <foo>:
   8:   00 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,0(a0)
   c:   08 00 10 a4     ldq     v0,8(a0)
  10:   c0 04 21 44     cmovne  t0,t0,v0
  14:   a1 15 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0,t0
  18:   21 d7 20 48     sll     t0,0x6,t0
  1c:   60 06 e0 73     cttz    v0,v0
  20:   00 04 01 40     addq    v0,t0,v0
  24:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

# gcc-4.5.0 -O1 -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

0000000000000008 <foo>:
   8:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
   c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  10:   f0 ff de 23     lda     sp,-16(sp)
  14:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
  18:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
  1c:   00 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,0(a0)
  20:   08 00 10 a6     ldq     a0,8(a0)
  24:   a9 15 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0,s0
  28:   29 d7 20 49     sll     s0,0x6,s0
  2c:   d0 04 21 44     cmovne  t0,t0,a0
  30:   00 00 40 d3     bsr     ra,34 <foo+0x2c>
  34:   00 04 20 41     addq    s0,v0,v0
  38:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
  3c:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
  40:   10 00 de 23     lda     sp,16(sp)
  44:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

# gcc-4.5.0 -O2 -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
   8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop
   c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop

0000000000000010 <foo>:
  10:   00 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,0(a0)
  14:   08 00 10 a4     ldq     v0,8(a0)
  18:   c0 04 21 44     cmovne  t0,t0,v0
  1c:   a1 15 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0,t0
  20:   21 d7 20 48     sll     t0,0x6,t0
  24:   60 06 e0 73     cttz    v0,v0
  28:   00 04 01 40     addq    v0,t0,v0
  2c:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

# gcc-4.5.0 -O3 -mcpu=ev67 -c z.c && objdump -d z.o

z.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__ffs>:
   0:   60 06 f0 73     cttz    a0,v0
   4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
   8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop
   c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop

0000000000000010 <foo>:
  10:   00 00 30 a4     ldq     t0,0(a0)
  14:   08 00 10 a4     ldq     v0,8(a0)
  18:   c0 04 21 44     cmovne  t0,t0,v0
  1c:   a1 15 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0,t0
  20:   21 d7 20 48     sll     t0,0x6,t0
  24:   60 06 e0 73     cttz    v0,v0
  28:   00 04 01 40     addq    v0,t0,v0
  2c:   01 80 fa 6b     ret

4.3.4 -Os: good
4.3.4 -O1: bad
4.3.4 -O2: good
4.3.4 -O3: good

4.4.3 -Os: bad
4.4.3 -O1: bad
4.4.3 -O2: bad
4.4.3 -O3: good

4.5.0 -Os: good
4.5.0 -O1: bad
4.5.0 -O2: good
4.5.0 -O3: good

           Summary: gcc produces bad code at -O1
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.5.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: rtl-optimization
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: mattst88 at gmail dot com
 GCC build triplet: alpha-unknown-linux-gnu
  GCC host triplet: alpha-unknown-linux-gnu
GCC target triplet: alpha-unknown-linux-gnu

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