--- Comment #2 from Iain Sandoe <iains at gcc dot> 2010-10-04 09:25:18 
UTC ---
hm,  I made a very simple root object like this [omitting the cruft to declare
the types & routines for both NeXT and GNU runtimes].

@interface myRootObject {
  Class isa;
  int var;

+ (id) initialize;
+(Class) class;
+ (id) alloc ;

- (id) init;
- (int) var;

@implementation myRootObject

+initialize { return self;}
+(Class)class { return object_get_class(self);}
+ (id) alloc { return class_create_instance(self);}

- (id) init {return self;}
- (int) var {return var;}

int main ()
  myRootObject *r = [[myRootObject alloc] init];
  r->var = 1;

  return [r var];

All is OK until we hit the [r var] line - which fails with the gimple int !=
struct objc_class * error.

however, stepping through the code  in build_objc_method_call() ... seems to
show that the cast is correctly installed.....

Breakpoint 4, build_objc_method_call (loc=33157, super_flag=0,
method_prototype=0x41aa7bd0, lookup_object=0x41abe16c, selector=0x41ababa0,
method_params=0x41abc360) at /GCC/gcc-live-trunk/gcc/objc/objc-act.c:6719
6719      t = build3 (OBJ_TYPE_REF, sender_cast, method, lookup_object,
(gdb) call debug_tree(sender_cast)
 <pointer_type 0x41abac60
    type <function_type 0x41abac00
        type <integer_type 0x41a192a0 int asm_written public SI
            size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 constant 32>
            unit size <integer_cst 0x41a05120 constant 4>
            align 32 symtab 1101764720 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41a192a0
precision 32 min <integer_cst 0x41a05320 -2147483648> max <integer_cst
0x41a05340 2147483647>
            pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41a19c00>>
        size <integer_cst 0x41a051c0 constant 8>
        unit size <integer_cst 0x41a051e0 constant 1>
        align 8 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41abac00
        arg-types <tree_list 0x41abc318 value <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id>
            chain <tree_list 0x41abc330 value <pointer_type 0x41aa2960>
                chain <tree_list 0x41a15090 value <void_type 0x41a19840
        pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41abac60>>
    unsigned SI size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 32> unit size <integer_cst
0x41a05120 4>
    align 32 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41abac60>
(gdb) call debug_tree(method)     
 <addr_expr 0x41abe188
    type <pointer_type 0x41abaa80
        type <function_type 0x41aa2cc0 type <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id>
            size <integer_cst 0x41a051c0 constant 8>
            unit size <integer_cst 0x41a051e0 constant 1>
            align 8 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41aa2cc0
            arg-types <tree_list 0x41aa40a8 value <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id>
                chain <tree_list 0x41aa40c0 value <pointer_type 0x41aa2960>>>
            pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41abaa80>>
        unsigned SI
        size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 constant 32>
        unit size <integer_cst 0x41a05120 constant 4>
        align 32 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41abaa80>
    arg 0 <function_decl 0x41aa3b80 objc_msgSend type <function_type
        public external decl_6 QI file <built-in> line 0 col 0 align 8>
(gdb) call debug_tree(lookup_object)
 <save_expr 0x41abe16c
    type <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id
        type <record_type 0x41aa26c0 objc_object VOID
            align 8 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41aa26c0
            pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id> chain <type_decl
0x41a20e58 D.1555>>
        unsigned SI
        size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 constant 32>
        unit size <integer_cst 0x41a05120 constant 4>
        align 32 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41aa2780
        pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41aa9600>>
    arg 0 <nop_expr 0x41abe150 type <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id>

        arg 0 <var_decl 0x41aba8a0 r type <pointer_type 0x41aba420>
            used unsigned SI file ../tests/root-simple.m line 90 col 17 size
<integer_cst 0x41a05380 32> unit size <integer_cst 0x41a05120 4>
            align 32 context <function_decl 0x41abb180 main> initial <nop_expr
(gdb) next

6720      return build_function_call (loc,
(gdb) call debug_tree(t)
 <obj_type_ref 0x41a0f9b4
    type <pointer_type 0x41abac60
        type <function_type 0x41abac00 type <integer_type 0x41a192a0 int>
            size <integer_cst 0x41a051c0 constant 8>
            unit size <integer_cst 0x41a051e0 constant 1>
            align 8 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41abac00
            arg-types <tree_list 0x41abc318 value <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id>
                chain <tree_list 0x41abc330 value <pointer_type 0x41aa2960>
                    chain <tree_list 0x41a15090 value <void_type 0x41a19840
            pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41abac60>>
        unsigned SI
        size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 constant 32>
        unit size <integer_cst 0x41a05120 constant 4>
        align 32 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41abac60>
    arg 0 <addr_expr 0x41abe188
        type <pointer_type 0x41abaa80 type <function_type 0x41aa2cc0>
            unsigned SI size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 32> unit size <integer_cst
0x41a05120 4>
            align 32 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41abaa80>
        arg 0 <function_decl 0x41aa3b80 objc_msgSend type <function_type
            public external decl_6 QI file <built-in> line 0 col 0 align 8>
    arg 1 <save_expr 0x41abe16c
        type <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id type <record_type 0x41aa26c0
            unsigned SI size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 32> unit size <integer_cst
0x41a05120 4>
            align 32 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41aa2780
            pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41aa9600>>
        arg 0 <nop_expr 0x41abe150 type <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id>
            arg 0 <var_decl 0x41aba8a0 r>>>
    arg 2 <integer_cst 0x41a05140 type <integer_type 0x41a19000 long unsigned
int> constant 0>>

after the function build:

(gdb) call debug_tree(retval)
 <call_expr 0x4141f580
    type <integer_type 0x41a192a0 int asm_written public SI
        size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 constant 32>
        unit size <integer_cst 0x41a05120 constant 4>
        align 32 symtab 1101764720 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41a192a0
precision 32 min <integer_cst 0x41a05320 -2147483648> max <integer_cst
0x41a05340 2147483647>
        pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41a19c00>>
    fn <obj_type_ref 0x41a0f9b4
        type <pointer_type 0x41abac60 type <function_type 0x41abac00>
            unsigned SI size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 32> unit size <integer_cst
0x41a05120 4>
            align 32 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41abac60>
        arg 0 <addr_expr 0x41abe188 type <pointer_type 0x41abaa80>
            constant arg 0 <function_decl 0x41aa3b80 objc_msgSend>
        arg 1 <save_expr 0x41abe16c type <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id>
            arg 0 <nop_expr 0x41abe150 type <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id>
                arg 0 <var_decl 0x41aba8a0 r>>>
        arg 2 <integer_cst 0x41a05140 constant 0>> arg 0 <save_expr 0x41abe16c>
    arg 1 <var_decl 0x41ababa0 _OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_2
        type <pointer_type 0x41aa2960 type <record_type 0x41aa2900
            unsigned SI size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 32> unit size <integer_cst
0x41a05120 4>
            align 32 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41aa2960>
        static unsigned ignored SI file ../tests/root-simple.m line 93 col 3
size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 32> unit size <integer_cst 0x41a05120 4>
        align 32 initial <error_mark 0x41a0b890>>

(gdb) call debug_tree(0x41abac00)
 <function_type 0x41abac00
    type <integer_type 0x41a192a0 int asm_written public SI
        size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 constant 32>
        unit size <integer_cst 0x41a05120 constant 4>
        align 32 symtab 1101764720 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41a192a0
precision 32 min <integer_cst 0x41a05320 -2147483648> max <integer_cst
0x41a05340 2147483647>
        pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41a19c00>>
    size <integer_cst 0x41a051c0 type <integer_type 0x41a19060 bit_size_type>
constant 8>
    unit size <integer_cst 0x41a051e0 type <integer_type 0x41a19000 long
unsigned int> constant 1>
    align 8 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41abac00
    arg-types <tree_list 0x41abc318
        value <pointer_type 0x41aa2780 id type <record_type 0x41aa26c0
            unsigned SI size <integer_cst 0x41a05380 32> unit size <integer_cst
0x41a05120 4>
            align 32 symtab 0 alias set -1 canonical type 0x41aa2780
            pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41aa9600>>
        chain <tree_list 0x41abc330 value <pointer_type 0x41aa2960>
            chain <tree_list 0x41a15090 value <void_type 0x41a19840 void>>>>
    pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x41abac60>>

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