--- Comment #8 from Jonathan Wakely <redi at gcc dot> 2010-10-07 
00:46:26 UTC ---
The _Bind and _Bind_result ctors need to be made into templates so that they
can deduce the arguments as either lvalue or rvalue references, allowing
_Bound_args elements to be move-constructed if an rvalue is passed to
std::bind.  Two template ctors are needed, for the case where the first
argument is an lvalue or an rvalue.

I added a copy ctor and move ctor, allowing _Bind and _Bind_result objects to
be moved

The new _Bind_helper and _Bindres_helper templates are simply to avoid
repeating typename _Maybe_wrap_member_pointer<typename
decay<_Functor>::type>::type in the return type and body of std::bind.

The call_once patch is for DR891, but is related to this PR because we use
std::bind to implement call_once.

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