--- Comment #2 from Tobias Burnus <burnus at gcc dot> 2010-12-15 
08:37:42 UTC ---
Reduced test case. Crucial seems to be that "inter" and "bar" call "foo" and
that foo and bar are defined via the interface "inter".

Similarly to gfortran and ifort also Crayftn rejects the following program.
However, I do no see any possibility how one could create a recursive call.
Thus, I do not see the need for a RECURSIVE attribute ("The RECURSIVE
prefix-spec shall appear if any procedure defined by the subprogram directly or
indirectly invokes itself or any other procedure defined by the subprogram.")

module m
  type, abstract :: t
    procedure(inter), pass, deferred :: foo
    procedure(inter), pass, deferred :: bar
  end type
  type,extends(t) :: t2
    procedure, pass :: bar => bar
    procedure, pass :: foo => foo
  end type t2
  subroutine inter(this)
    class(t) :: this
    call this%foo()
  end subroutine inter
  subroutine foo(this)
    class(t2) :: this
  end subroutine foo
  subroutine bar(this)
    class(t2) :: this
    call this%foo()
  end subroutine
end module m

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