--- Comment #15 from Jack Howarth <howarth at nitro dot> 2011-02-01 
15:11:51 UTC ---
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is unset when xplor is started. Also remember that your test
case in comment 9 is insufficient to reproduce the behavior of xplor-nih. The
code calling the unwinder should be placed in a shared library and then called
from a main program. I don't see anything in the following linkages which
should cause a problem.

gcc -fdefault-integer-8 -dynamiclib -o libfft.dylib dsint.o dsinti.o dcfftf.o
dcfftb.o dcffti.o drffti.o drfftf.o drfftb.o zffti.o zfftf.o zfftb.o ctrans.o
zfft1d.o zfft2d.o zfft3d.o ftrans.o zmp_fft.o zscal_fft.o zprod_fft.o fft_ftn.o
-flat_namespace -undefined suppress -single_module    -lcrypto -lblas 

gcc -fdefault-integer-8 -dynamiclib -o libpppack.dylib cubspl.o ppvalu.o
intdy.o xerrwv.o -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -single_module    -lcrypto 

gcc -fdefault-integer-8 -dynamiclib -o libspecfun.dylib gamma.o rjbesl.o
ribesl.o -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -single_module    -lcrypto 

g++ -dynamiclib -fdefault-integer-8 -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
-single_module dpApi.o vmd.o vmdInter.o tclStream.o dpStream.o ssStream.o
publicVMDInter.o thread.o -o libvmd.dylib    -lcrypto

g++ -dynamiclib -fdefault-integer-8 -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
-single_module dinternal.o dint-atom.o dint-node.o dint-loop.o dint-step.o
dint-powell.o dint-conmin.o dint-simplex.o dint-pc6.o dint-xplor.o publicIVM.o
-o libintVar.dylib    -lcrypto
-L/Users/howarth/xplor-nih-2.27/bin.Darwin_10_x86_64/ -llapack -lblas  

g++ -dynamiclib -fdefault-integer-8 -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
-single_module maketables.o get.o study.o pcre.o -o libpcre.dylib    -lcrypto

g++ -dynamiclib -fdefault-integer-8 -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
-single_module simulation.o xplorSimulation.o xplorWrap.o atom.o atomSel.o
atomSelAction.o derivList.o pdbTool.o ensembleSimulation.o simulationWorld.o
xplorPot.o mmapAlloc.o semaphore.o mutex-sem.o randomNum.o potList.o avePot.o
modified.o enumNameMap.o dihedral.o ensemblePot.o xplorWrapProc.o
coordComparer.o atomSelLang.o atomSelLangYacc.o mmapMalloc.o -o libcommon.dylib
   -lcrypto -L/Users/howarth/xplor-nih-2.27/bin.Darwin_10_x86_64/ -lpcre
-llapack -lblas 

g++ -dynamiclib -fdefault-integer-8 -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
-single_module surf.o io.o compute.o dual.o utils.o lp.o chull.o tessel_cases.o
tessel_patches.o tessel_convex.o tessel_concave.o tessel_torus.o surfDiff.o -o
libsurfD.dylib    -lcrypto
-L/Users/howarth/xplor-nih-2.27/bin.Darwin_10_x86_64/ -lspecfun -llapack -lblas 

g++ -dynamiclib -fdefault-integer-8 -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
-single_module noePot.o atomProb.o rdcPot1.o csaPot.o jCoupPot.o shapePot.o
atomDensity.o probDistPot.o cosRatioPot.o ncsPot.o prePot.o rdcWavePot.o
varTensor.o surfaceArea.o psolPot.o orderPot.o posRMSDPot.o utils.o
posSymmPot.o sphereFun.o volume.o planeDistPot.o selNBPot.o gyrPot.o
cstMagPot.o diffPot.o relaxRatioPot.o distSymmPot.o sardcPot.o
surfTessellation.o torsionDBPot.o nbTargetPot.o solnScatPot.o -o
libnmrPot.dylib    -lcrypto
-L/Users/howarth/xplor-nih-2.27/bin.Darwin_10_x86_64/ -lspecfun -lsurfD
-llapack -lblas 

g++ -dynamiclib -fdefault-integer-8 -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
-single_module PeakAssignment.o Peak.o MarvinNOEPotential.o ShiftAssignment.o
EquivPeakAssignmentSet.o -o libmarvin.dylib    -lcrypto

gcc -fdefault-integer-8 -dynamiclib -o libxplor.dylib xfft.o xdofft.o
dtorsion.o rotman.o array.o genic.o prot.o tsearch.o xmwrite.o carb.o csa.o
geomty.o psfio.o update.o xparse.o hbonds.o usersb.o xpeakpik.o corman.o
hbuild.o rotate.o util.o coup.o initia.o rotlsq.o vcorr.o xpred.o cstack.o
intcor.o vcorrfft.o xprobab.o cstran.o matrix.o rsearch.o vector.o xprox.o
distan.o mmdisg.o rtfio.o xasymm.o xreduce.o drigid.o modes.o rxconv.o
xdeclare.o xrefin.o mrigid.o rxprin.o xdo.o xrmani.o dynamc.o nbonds.o rxrefi.o
xropti.o dynanl.o ncs.o rxsetu.o xdofried.o xscale.o noe.o sbound.o xdohelp.o
xsfsele.o dynlng.o onebond.o segmnt.o xfalgebra.o xshow.o eangle.o packing.o
selrpn.o xsigmaa.o ebond.o parmio.o parser.o xmalgebra.o xskel.o enbond.o
shake.o xmask.o xstats.o energy.o pick.o sort.o xmaverage.o xsymm.o etor.o
plane.o string.o xmphisto.o xtarget.o expression.o powell.o surfac.o xmpsele.o
fastnb.o power.o test.o xmread.o collapse_rgyr.o xrama.o trio_faster_newderiv.o
susc_anis.o rama_gaussians.o orientations.o xdipolar_coup.o diff_anis.o
anisotropy.o angledb.o vectangl.o fantacross.o fantalin.o xangle.o xccr.o
xfantaccr.o xfantadipo.o xdipo_pcs.o xdipo_rdc.o xt1dist.o hbdb.o saxs.o pcsa.o
ss_orient.o xadc.o hb_dist_angle.o aria.o ariman.o ariass.o aribac.o arical.o
arivio.o bonded.o ace.o pmag.o tens_dip_e2.o tenso.o slink.o fxrefin.o
fxparse.o fwrite.o pxrefin.o pxtarget.o fxmap.o pxparse.o pxmani.o xmap.o
zpacking.o ppacking.o fenergy.o sebond.o seangl.o setor.o darwin64time.o
osx_x86_64.o -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -single_module    -lcrypto 
-L/Users/howarth/dist/lib -lgfortran -llapack -lblas  -lblas

gcc -fdefault-integer-8 -dynamiclib -o libxplorCmd.dylib coorio.o dynio.o
xplorFunc.o ps300.o python_stubs.o tcl_stubs.o ccalls.o cnshelp.o i1mach.o
-flat_namespace -undefined suppress -single_module    -lcrypto 
-L/Users/howarth/dist/lib -lgfortran -llapack -lblas  -lblas
-L/Users/howarth/dist/lib -lgfortran -llapack -lblas  -lblas    -lcrypto 
-L/Users/howarth/dist/lib -lgfortran -llapack -lblas  -lblas

gcc -o xplor xplor.o  \
      -L. -lxplorCmd -lxplor
-L/Users/howarth/xplor-nih-2.27/bin.Darwin_10_x86_64/ -lfft -lintVar -lvmd
-lnmrPot -lcommon -lmarvin  \
         -lcrypto  -L/Users/howarth/dist/lib -lgfortran -llapack -lblas  -lblas
-L/Users/howarth/xplor-nih-2.27/bin.Darwin_10_x86_64/ \

As for DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, changing...

+++ xplor    2011-02-01 10:04:59.000000000 -0500
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@

 if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then
+    echo "PATH = ",$PATH

 if [ "$LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH" != "" -a `uname` = "IRIX64" ]; then



Perhaps r163267 is fragile to certain combination of linker flags (like

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