--- Comment #3 from Fran Martinez Fadrique <fmartinez at gmv dot com> 
2011-02-17 09:04:14 UTC ---
The problem reported on the string_to_char is correct in the sense that if
invoked with a non allocated string it would cause a segfault.
When I run the case I get beore that the reported problem in the code

! Allocate memory for returned array
!  if( allocated(res) ) then
!    deallocate(res)
!  end if
!  allocate( res( size(list) ), stat=status )
  allocate( res( size(list) ) )
  if( status == 0 ) then

!   Initialise navigation pointer
    lptr => list%first

There is one invocation when the res array is already allocated when entering
the routine.
If I uncomment the commented lines and comment
  allocate( res( size(list) ) )
then I run to the very end because I protect the case when res is already
allocated on entry to the function.
I would have liked to isolate the problem in a simpler case but I really could
If you let me know when the segfault happens (the call stack) in your case I
can maybe simplify the high level unit test to remove any secondary effect from
the trouble I report.

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