--- Comment #6 from janus at gcc dot 2011-05-15 22:05:00 UTC ---
The patch in comment #5 regtests cleanly.

But apparently there is also a problem with MOVE_ALLOC and allocatable arrays:

program testmv3
  type bar
    integer, allocatable  :: ia(:), ja(:)
  end type

  type(bar), allocatable :: sm(:),sm2(:)


  call move_alloc(sm2,sm)

end program testmv3

valgrind shows that the allocatable components are not being freed:

==21249== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 2
==21249==    at 0x4C2683D: malloc (in
==21249==    by 0x400B8F: MAIN__ (arr.f90:10)
==21249==    by 0x400FE6: main (arr.f90:14)
==21249== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 2
==21249==    at 0x4C2683D: malloc (in
==21249==    by 0x400CF4: MAIN__ (arr.f90:10)
==21249==    by 0x400FE6: main (arr.f90:14)

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