Summary: Inline asm should support input/output of flags
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.5.2
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: P3
         Component: inline-asm

The main reason I find myself writing inline asm is to do "clever" things with
the flags register, especially in conjunction with unusual instructions. 

Some examples:

1. Using the sparc brz instruction if the compiler doesn't emit it (e.g. bug

2. Using the carry flag in x86 to determine whether the unsigned comparison a
!= b was greater or less than, using subtract-with-borrow (seen in gnu libc):
"sbb %eax, %eax; sbb $-1, %eax" leaves %eax containing -1 if a < b and +1 if a
> b. 

3. AMD's "Advanced Synchronization Facility" which proposes a jmp-like
instruction for starting hardware transactions. Its effect is similar to
fork(): on the first time past sets flags and eax to zero; a transaction
failure resumes from the same PC, but with eax and flags set to reflect an
error code. 

4. In my experience, the main reason people would want asm goto to allow
outputs is because they can't export flags (otherwise the goto can become
control flow in C/C++).

In all three cases the inline asm becomes needlessly long simply because uses
of the flags generated within the asm block will only work reliably within that
asm block (including branches, loops, etc.).

Consider the following concrete example:

#define EOL "\n"
#define EOLT EOL "\t"
long pstrcmp(unsigned char const* a, unsigned char const* b, long* pout, long
pin=0) {
    long delta, tmp;
    asm("#"                                     EOL
        "1:"                                    EOLT
        "movzb  (%[a], %[n]), %k[tmp]"          EOLT
        "movzb  (%[b], %[n]), %k[delta]"        EOLT
        "cmpb   %b[delta], %b[tmp]"             EOLT
        "jnz    2f"                             EOLT
        "testb  %b[tmp], %b[tmp]"               EOLT
        "jz     3f"                             EOLT
        "sub    %[m1], %[n]"                    EOLT
        "jmp    1b"                             EOL
        "2:"                                    EOLT
        "sbb    %[delta], %[delta]"             EOLT
        "sbb    %[m1], %[delta]"                EOL
        : [a] "+r"(a), [b] "+r"(b), [n] "+r"(pin),
          [delta] "=&q"(delta), [tmp] "=&q"(tmp)
        : [m1] "i"(-1)
    *pout = pin;
    return delta;

With inline asm support for flags it would look more like this:

long pstrcmp(unsigned char const* a, unsigned char const* b, long* pout, long
pin=0) {
    long delta, tmp;
    if (a[pin] == b[pin]) {
        if (a[pin] != 0) {
            goto again;
        else {
            delta = b[pin];
    else {
        asm("sbb    %[delta], %[delta]"             EOLT
            "sbb    %[m1], %[delta]"
            : [delta] "=&r"
            : [m1] "i"(-1), "flags"(a[pin] != b[pin])
    *pout = pin;
    return delta;

The intent is that the "flags" input specifier tells the compiler to arrange
for flags to be set at entry to the asm block as if the expression passed to it
had just completed (the compiler would warn/error if it were unclear the effect
evaluating the expression would have on flags). In theory the optimizer should
be able to eliminate common expressions and shuffle code to avoid materializing
the flags at all. 

Using flags as output (perhaps to pass as input to another inline asm block)
might look like this:

asm("cmp %0, %1" : "=flags"(flags) : "r"(a), "r"(b));
asm("jz 1f" : : "flags"(flags));

The flags should probably take type 'int' in C.

Ideally, the compiler could even recognize and optimize patterns like this:

asm("cmp %0, %1" : "=flags"(flags) : "r"(a), "r"(b));
enum { CF=1 };
if (flags & CF) {
else if (flags & ZF) {

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