--- Comment #1 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> 2011-08-29 
13:49:48 UTC ---
On x86_64-apple-darwin10 I don't need the option -fcheck=all to get the
run-timr error. However the error goes away with any optimization above -O1 (at
least all those I have tried;-). This is also true for the original code posted
at which gives

 Two-dimensional walk:
    1.0883    0.1832
    1.0618    0.1794
    0.9765    0.0804
    0.9459    0.0489
    0.8895   -0.0245
    0.9696   -0.0471
    0.9587   -0.0147
    0.8620    0.0154
    0.8912   -0.0200
    0.9624   -0.0397
 Three-dimensional walk:
   -0.5517    0.9285    0.1628
   -0.6316    0.9795    0.1839
   -0.5878    1.0590    0.2156
   -0.6576    1.0815    0.3113
   -0.5578    1.0328    0.3215
   -0.5260    1.0436    0.4170
   -0.4456    1.0752    0.4628
   -0.4651    1.1609    0.3924
   -0.4302    1.2149    0.3602
   -0.5070    1.2377    0.4244

if compiled with -O1 or above. Note also that the executable obtained with -O1
run under valgrind without error. Apparently the "wrong part" is removed by
some optimization starting at -O1.

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