--- Comment #39 from Ed Schouten <ed at 80386 dot nl> 2012-01-09 22:37:41 UTC 
(In reply to comment #36)
> By your reasoning, FreeBSD really may as well take out code which requires
> __cplusplus == 201103L , as no compiler will support all of C++11 for several
> years I am sure. I would be happy to help work on a patch for that if you 
> like.


You do realize [[noreturn]] is one of the most basic features one could
imagine, right? As you mentioned, no compiler will support all of C++11 for
several years, but the Clang shipped with FreeBSD 9 (released 1.5 months ago)
does support [[noreturn]], so I assume there is little or no interest to remove
the use of [[noreturn]].

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