Bug #: 52334
           Summary: The user of "zero" register is wrong
    Classification: Unclassified
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.3.2
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: critical
          Priority: P3
         Component: c

When I use MIPS Cross-compiler 4.3.2 and version 3.2.1 to compile a same
functin, there have been two different result, as follows:

This is my function code:

ulong test_function(ulong index,ushort app)
        _Struct_PST_ID *pstid = NULL;    //there have a bug,when user version
4.3.2 compiler.
                case _MODULE_ID_V:
                        if ( VALIDATE_INDEX( index ) )
                                if( _find_port( g_pstv->member.pstid, index,
                                        == TRUE)
                                        return pstid->ulType;
                        return SUCCESS;
                case _MODULE_ID_M:
                        if ( VALIDATE_INDEX( index ) )
                                if( _find_port( g_pstm->member.pstid, index,
                                        == TRUE)
                                        return pstid->ulType;
                        return SUCCESS;

        return SUCCESS;

a. This is result of 4.3.2
gcc version 4.3.2 (eCosCentric GNU tools 4.3.2-sw)

(gdb) x  0x8017ed5c
0x8017ed5c <test_function+156>:        0x0805fb38
(gdb) disa
disable      disassemble
(gdb) disassemble test_function
Dump of assembler code for function test_function:
0x8017ecc0 <test_function+0>:  andi    a1,a1,0xffff
0x8017ecc4 <test_function+4>:  li      v0,92
0x8017ecc8 <test_function+8>:  beq     a1,v0,0x8017ed20 <test_function+96>
0x8017eccc <test_function+12>: addiu   sp,sp,-8
0x8017ecd0 <test_function+16>: li      v0,93
0x8017ecd4 <test_function+20>: beq     a1,v0,0x8017ece8 <test_function+40>
0x8017ecd8 <test_function+24>: sltiu   v0,a0,26
0x8017ecdc <test_function+28>: li      v0,1
0x8017ece0 <test_function+32>: jr      ra
0x8017ece4 <test_function+36>: addiu   sp,sp,8
0x8017ece8 <test_function+40>: beqz    v0,0x8017ecdc <test_function+28>
0x8017ecec <test_function+44>: lui     v0,0x805a
0x8017ecf0 <test_function+48>: lw      v1,19204(v0)
0x8017ecf4 <test_function+52>: lw      a1,4(v1)
0x8017ecf8 <test_function+56>: beqz    a1,0x8017ecdc <test_function+28>
0x8017ecfc <test_function+60>: move    v1,a1
0x8017ed00 <test_function+64>: lw      v0,4(v1)
0x8017ed04 <test_function+68>: beq     a0,v0,0x8017ed5c <test_function+156>
0x8017ed08 <test_function+72>: nop
0x8017ed0c <test_function+76>: lw      v1,60(v1)
0x8017ed10 <test_function+80>: bne     a1,v1,0x8017ed00 <test_function+64>
0x8017ed14 <test_function+84>: li      v0,1
0x8017ed18 <test_function+88>: j       0x8017ece0 <test_function+32>
0x8017ed1c <test_function+92>: nop
0x8017ed20 <test_function+96>: sltiu   v0,a0,26
0x8017ed24 <test_function+100>:        beqz    v0,0x8017ecdc <test_function+28>
0x8017ed28 <test_function+104>:        lui     v0,0x8067
0x8017ed2c <test_function+108>:        lw      v1,28060(v0)
0x8017ed30 <test_function+112>:        lw      a1,4(v1)
0x8017ed34 <test_function+116>:        beqz    a1,0x8017ecdc <test_function+28>
0x8017ed38 <test_function+120>:        move    v1,a1
0x8017ed3c <test_function+124>:        lw      v0,4(v1)
0x8017ed40 <test_function+128>:        beq     a0,v0,0x8017ed5c
0x8017ed44 <test_function+132>:        nop
0x8017ed48 <test_function+136>:        lw      v1,60(v1)
0x8017ed4c <test_function+140>:        bne     a1,v1,0x8017ed3c
0x8017ed50 <test_function+144>:        li      v0,1
0x8017ed54 <test_function+148>:        j       0x8017ece0 <test_function+32>
0x8017ed58 <test_function+152>:        nop
0x8017ed5c <test_function+156>:        j       0x8017ece0 <test_function+32>
0x8017ed60 <test_function+160>:        lw      v0,76(zero)    //This should not
be "zero" .
End of assembler dump. 

b. This is result of 3.2.1
gcc version 3.2.1 (eCosCentric GNU tools 3.2.1-sw)

This GDB was configured as "--host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --target=mipsisa32-elf".
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
(gdb) disassemble test_function
Dump of assembler code for function test_function:
0x801748a4 <test_function+0>:  addiu   sp,sp,-32
0x801748a8 <test_function+4>:  andi    a1,a1,0xffff
0x801748ac <test_function+8>:  li      v0,92
0x801748b0 <test_function+12>: sw      ra,16(sp)
0x801748b4 <test_function+16>: beq     a1,v0,0x80174910 <test_function+108>
0x801748b8 <test_function+20>: sw      zero,0(sp)
0x801748bc <test_function+24>: li      v0,93
0x801748c0 <test_function+28>: beq     a1,v0,0x801748d8 <test_function+52>
0x801748c4 <test_function+32>: sltiu   v0,a0,26
0x801748c8 <test_function+36>: li      v0,1
0x801748cc <test_function+40>: lw      ra,16(sp)
0x801748d0 <test_function+44>: jr      ra
0x801748d4 <test_function+48>: addiu   sp,sp,32
0x801748d8 <test_function+52>: beqz    v0,0x801748cc <test_function+40>
0x801748dc <test_function+56>: li      v0,1
0x801748e0 <test_function+60>: lui     v0,0x805b
0x801748e4 <test_function+64>: lw      v1,20936(v0)
0x801748e8 <test_function+68>: move    a1,a0
0x801748ec <test_function+72>: lw      a0,4(v1)
0x801748f0 <test_function+76>: jal     0x80174368 <_find_port>
0x801748f4 <test_function+80>: move    a2,sp
0x801748f8 <test_function+84>: li      v1,1
0x801748fc <test_function+88>: bnel    v0,v1,0x801748cc <test_function+40>
0x80174900 <test_function+92>: li      v0,1
0x80174904 <test_function+96>: lw      v0,0(sp)
0x80174908 <test_function+100>:        b       0x801748cc <test_function+40>
0x8017490c <test_function+104>:        lw      v0,76(v0)    //right
0x80174910 <test_function+108>:        sltiu   v0,a0,26
0x80174914 <test_function+112>:        beqz    v0,0x801748cc <test_function+40>
0x80174918 <test_function+116>:        li      v0,1
0x8017491c <test_function+120>:        lui     v0,0x8058
0x80174920 <test_function+124>:        b       0x801748e8 <test_function+68>
0x80174924 <test_function+128>:        lw      v1,31260(v0)
End of assembler dump.

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