--- Comment #3 from Laurent Aflonsi <laurent.alfonsi at st dot com> 2012-03-20 
12:31:31 UTC ---
Well, in fact I am facing a runtime crash on another target (SH4). The crash is
fixed by the patch proposed previously.

On the other hand, I ve tried to reproduce on x86, to easily report on gcc
bugs. and I ve discovered this valgrind error.

I first thought both issues were the same, but they are not. And you are right,
my patch doesn't fix the valgrind error. Sorry for confusion.

The _M_thread_freelist might also be set to NULL at some point. (may be also in
~__freelist()). Setting _M_thread_freelist to NULL at ~__freelist() is solves
the valgrind error, but I m not sure this is the right place to do it.


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