--- Comment #4 from Fredrik Hederstierna 
<> 2012-04-10 12:52:36 UTC ---
Maybe it have advantages to have a "pointer-deref" analysis pass rather than a
"point-to" analysis pass. Then GCC could warn only if the pointer is being
dereferenced for real, this to avoid false positives. But in case of shared
library-code etc, I guess we never know what users/callers will do with the

Could there possibly be a connection to the work I think maybe Jeff Law and
others maybe are doing will null-deref checking pass? I guess they already do
some flow analysis and then checking for null-deref rather than
'dangeling-mem-deref' in this case (eg. stack local mem, or free()d-mem).

(I think this is done in PR16351.)

I also seen the __attribute__((nonnull)) with -Wnonnull, could it be possible
perhaps to have some __attribute__((nonlocal)) or similar when declaring

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