--- Comment #20 from Jason Vas Dias <jason.vas.dias at gmail dot com> 
2012-08-05 18:10:24 UTC ---
RE: > --disable-bootstrap if you're doing --enable-gather-statistics

but for me this defeats the whole purpose of building a "C-only" 
bootstrap compiler.

I see no point in proceeding to build C++ , Java, Obj-C et al
until binutils, glibc, gmp, mpfr, mpc, ppl/cloog, gettext, zlib
et al have been re-built and tested using the pure-c compiler ;
to me, the first thing I'd do with a default 'configure && make'
GCC with --enable-languages=all is re-compile binutils + glibc
et al and then repeat the GCC build - so why use --enable-languages=all
until GCC's dependencies have been rebuilt using the new GCC ?

Anyway, my laptop is in the cooler now, producing around 1 PAGE of assembler 
every two minutes (sorry, strace was truncating) , it has produced around 2MB
of assembler so far, so I might as well let it continue for the next week
or so until it finishes ...

thanks for all the responses explaining why this takes so long with
--enable-checking=all - I'll remember not to use this again.

Couldn't there be a new "enable all checks except garbage collection checks"
option ?

Thanks & Regards, Jason

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