--- Comment #5 from Leonid Volnitsky <leonid at volnitsky dot com> 2012-08-15 
17:34:41 UTC ---
More combinatorics and more test (gcc-trunk, clang-trunk and gcc463).  Now
everything in one file. 

#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;

      int&  plaint_f(      int& x) {return x;};
const int&  plaint_f(const int& x) {return x;};

template<class T, class R>
R eval (T& x,  R& (*f)(T&)) { 
    return (*f)(x);

template<class T, class R>
R eval_const (const T& x,  const R& (*f)(const T&)) { 
    return (*f)(x);

template<class T, class R=int>
R eval_tuple_int (T& x,  R& (*f)(T&)) { 
    return (*f)(x);

template<class T, class R=int>
R eval_tuple_int_const (T& x,  const R& (*f)(const T&)) { 
    return (*f)(x);

template<class ...Ts, class R>
R eval_tuple (tuple<Ts...>& x,  R& (*f)(tuple<Ts...>&)) { 
    return (*f)(x);

template<class ...Ts, class R=int>
R eval_tuple_int (tuple<Ts...>& x,  R& (*f)(tuple<Ts...>&)) { 
    return (*f)(x);

template<class ...Ts, class R>
R eval_tuple_const (const tuple<Ts...>& x,  R& (*f)(const tuple<Ts...>&)) { 
    return (*f)(x);

template<class ...Ts, class R=int>
R eval_tuple_const_int (const tuple<Ts...>& x,  R& (*f)(const tuple<Ts...>&)) { 
    return (*f)(x);

int main() {

    //  int i42=42;
    //  return  eval(i42, plaint_f);
    //  OK

                        //  GET<..>(TUPLE) 
                        //  template <size_t I, class... Types>
                        //  typename tuple_element<I, tuple<Types...> >::type&
get(tuple<Types...>&) noexcept;
                        //  template <size_t I, class... types>
                        //  typename tuple_element<I, tuple<Types...> >::type&&
get(tuple<Types...>&&) noexcept;
                        //  template <size_t I, class... types>
                        //  typename tuple_element<I, tuple<Types...> >::type
const& get(const tuple<Types...>&) noexcept;

    tuple<int,int>  tpl(42,43);

    //////  INT eval..(TUPLE)

    //  return  eval_tuple_int(tpl, get<0,int,int>);
    //    gcc48-ERROR   types ‘tuple<_Elements ...>’ and ‘const pair<int, int>’
have incompatible cv-qualifiers
    //    gcc46-OK
    //    clang-OK

    //  return  eval_tuple_int(tpl, get<0>);
    //    gcc48-OK
    //    gcc46-OK
    //    clang-OK 

    //  return  eval_tuple_int_const(tpl, get<0,int,int>);
    //    gcc48-OK
    //    gcc46-OK
    //    clang-OK

    //  return  eval_tuple_int_const(tpl, get<0>);
    //    gcc48-OK
    //    gcc46-OK
    //    clang-OK

    //////  eval(TUPLE)

    //  return  eval(tpl, get<0>);
    //    gcc48-ERROR   couldn't deduce template parameter ‘R’
    //    gcc46-ERROR
    //    clang-ERROR   couldn't infer template argument 'R'

    //  return  eval(tpl, get<0,int,int>);
    //    gcc48-ERROR   could not resolve address from overloaded function
‘get<0, int, int>’   
    //    gcc46-OK
    //    clang-ERROR   couldn't infer template argument 'R'

    //  return  eval_const(tpl, get<0>);
    //    gcc48-ERROR   couldn't deduce template parameter ‘R’
    //    gcc46-ERROR
    //    clang-ERROR   couldn't infer template argument 'R'

    //  return  eval_const(tpl, get<0,int,int>);
    //    gcc48-OK
    //    gcc46-OK
    //    clang-ERROR   couldn't infer template argument 'R'

    //////  eval_tuple..(TUPLE)

    //  return  eval_tuple(tpl, get<0,int,int>);
    //    gcc48-ERROR   types ‘tuple<_Elements ...>’ and ‘const tuple<int,
int>’ have incompatible cv-qualifiers
    //    gcc46-OK
    //    clang-OK

    //  return  eval_tuple_const(tpl, get<0,int,int>);
    //    gcc48-OK
    //    gcc46-OK
    //    clang-OK

    //  return  eval_tuple_const(tpl, get<0>);   
    //    gcc48-ERROR   couldn't deduce template parameter ‘R’
    //    gcc46-ERROR
    //    clang-ERROR


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