--- Comment #3 from Marek Polacek <polacek at redhat dot com> 2012-09-21 
15:11:08 UTC ---

Hmm.  I hoped that something like this will show the leak, but no (it does a

lot of threading with -O2--through conditionals, through loop headers and also

through latches).  But obviously it's not enough.  Any ideas, please?

extern void bla (void);

extern void bar (void);

extern void foo (void);


thread_through_condition (int a, int b)


#define E if (a > b)    \

        bla ();    \

      else        \

        bar ();    \

      if (a <= b)    \

        foo ();

#define E10 E E E E E E E E E E

#define E100 E10 E10 E10 E10 E10 E10 E10 E10 E10 E10

#define E1000 E100 E100 E100 E100 E100 E100 E100 E100 E100 E100

#define EE E1000 E1000




thread_entry_through_header (void)


  int i;

#define A for (i = 0; i < 42; ++i) \

        bla ();

#define A10 A A A A A A A A A A

#define A100 A10 A10 A10 A10 A10 A10 A10 A10 A10 A10

#define A1000 A100 A100 A100 A100 A100 A100 A100 A100 A100 A100

#define AA A1000 A1000 A1000 A1000 A1000




thread_latch_through_header (void)


  int i = 0;

  int first;

#define L first = 1; i = 0;    \

      do {            \

        if (first)        \

          foo ();        \

        first = 0;        \

        bla ();        \

      } while (i++ < 100);

#define L10 L L L L L L L L L L

#define L100 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10

#define L1000 L100 L100 L100 L100 L100 L100 L100 L100 L100 L100



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