--- Comment #2 from Jens Maurer <jens.maurer at gmx dot net> 2012-11-23 
14:07:34 UTC ---

Here is another test case:

struct S {

  unsigned char * p;

  unsigned char * limit;


S g(S s);

inline __attribute__((always_inline)) S f(S s, unsigned int n);

S f(S s, unsigned int n)


  if (__builtin_expect(s.p + n < s.limit, 1)) {

    s.p += n;

    return s;


  return g(s);


extern S sext;

int main()


  S s = sext;

  s = f(s, 4);

  s = f(s, 8);

  s = f(s, 2);

  return (int)(unsigned long)s.p;


leading to

        movq    %rax, (%rsp)

        movq    %rdx, 8(%rsp)

in the code paths calling g(s), although "s" is kept in registers throughout.

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