--- Comment #5 from Matthias Krack <matthias.krack at gmail dot com> 2012-11-29 
10:16:06 UTC ---

Memory leaks are still present for other choices of the string t.

For instance t="." or t="./" is still causing memory leaks for the test case in

comment 1 as detected by valgrind 3.8.1 for a patched (see comment 3) gcc

version 4.7.3 20121129 (prerelease) (GCC)

==25497== 300 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 1

==25497==    at 0x4A0765C: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)

==25497==    by 0x4C29208: _gfortrani_get_mem (memory.c:43)

==25497==    by 0x4CDD799: push_char (list_read.c:78)

==25497==    by 0x4CDE892: read_real (list_read.c:1408)

==25497==    by 0x4CE0F86: _gfortrani_list_formatted_read (list_read.c:1876)

It seems that the logic for the memory cleanup is still incomplete.

Note, that the memory leaks appear only if the IOSTAT parameter is present in

the READ statement.

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