--- Comment #6 from Siarhei Siamashka <siarhei.siamashka at gmail dot com> 
2012-12-10 00:24:12 UTC ---

(In reply to comment #5)

> (In reply to comment #4)

> > The ARM backend should do a splitter just like the rs6000 back-end does if 
> > it

> > is faster/smaller to load a constant via the instructions.


> I'm not sure if rs6000 is any better. It looks just as bad as ARM, based on my

> experience trying to optimize


And the testcase attached to this bug compiles to the following code with

powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc (-O2 optimizations):

    .file    "test.c"

    .section    ".text"

    .align 2

    .globl foo

    .type    foo, @function


    lis 8,0x5f5

    lis 10,array@ha

    ori 8,8,57600

    la 9,array@l(10)

    stw 8,array@l(10)

    lis 10,0xbeb

    ori 10,10,49664

    stw 10,4(9)

    lis 10,0x17d7

    ori 10,10,33792

    stw 10,8(9)

    lis 10,0x2faf

    ori 10,10,2048

    stw 10,12(9)


    .size    foo, .-foo

    .align 2

    .globl bar

    .type    bar, @function


    lis 10,array@ha

    slwi 6,3,1

    la 9,array@l(10)

    slwi 7,3,2

    slwi 8,3,3

    stw 3,array@l(10)

    stw 6,4(9)

    stw 7,8(9)

    stw 8,12(9)


    .size    bar, .-bar

    .ident    "GCC: (GNU) 4.8.0 20121209 (experimental)"

    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

That's 15 instructions in "foo" vs. 10 in "bar". For MIPS the difference is 16

instructions vs. 11 (I'm not posting the code because it is rather similar).

Is this really an ARM target bug?

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